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Learn how Carlo Gavazzi's unrivalled and unique products can help you in your next project.

 CD46 offers level control or monitoring through a non-conductive wall.


VH3/VH4 hanging level probes are simple and easy to install, can be used outdoors under sunlight.


UA18 Series offers distances of up to 300 or 800 mm.


MC36C compact safety magnetic sensors offer high performance and flexibility.


ICB12 Series inductive proximity sensors with integrated IO link technology offering high accuracy detection in a compact size.


PD140 Series photo electric sensor provides easy alignment and reliable detection for doors and gates.


LD Series loop detectors provides reliable and accurate vehicle detection in a compact housing.


Smart configurator and IO-Link sensors.


SCTL55 IO-Link smart configurator providing easy configuration.


IBS/ICS/ICB IO-Link series of intelligent inductive proximity sensors.


CA18CA../CA30CA.. IO -Link series of customisable, high-performance and multi-purpose capacitive proximity sensors.


PD30CN..PS Series offer highly accurate detection by means of the PointSpot narrow red light beam photoelectric sensors.


PA18/PH18 compact photoelectric sensors for flexible customized solution.


LD30 IO-Link D30 series with both ToF (time of flight) and IO-Link communication encompassed in the same sensor; offers an unrivalled flexibility to detect any object, any colour, any material or surface types at a distance of up to 1000mm.

The IO-Link Y series of IIoT-enabled network blocks allow up to 8 smart devices to connect to the higher-level control system.  Installing smart devices within a plant can improve business performance as well as product quality, maintenance/machine uptime, increased speed of operation and lower manufacturing costs.


MC88C safety magnetic sensors with long switching distance are suitable for monitoring safety gates in industrial and harsh environments.

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Monday to Thursday 8am to 5pm, Friday 8am to 3pm
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