Lets help you with monitoring relays

Posted in Carlo Gavazzi Controls by Alison on September 20th 2022


We Relay like Monitoring

Do you need a monitoring relay to detect phase loss, incorrect phase sequence, phase unbalance, over/under current, over/underload frequency, over/under voltage or over temperature?

Carlo Gavazzi has a comprehensive range of monitoring relays for current, voltage, power, power factor, 3-phase systems, motor temperature transformers.  Monitoring relays are used in a wide range of applications for protecting motors against improper supply and overload as well as protecting against the risk of electrocution.


So whether you need Current monitoring, Voltage monitoring, 3-phase voltage monitoring, Thermistor monitoring, Frequency monitoring, Power & Power Factor monitoring, Earth Leakage monitoring or Pump Alternating monitoring, we will have a relay for you alternatively, you can use the selection tool to identify the correct variant for your application at www.carlogavazzi-pss.com/

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