How do you save on your cabling costs?

Posted in Carlo Gavazzi Controls by Alison on September 14th 2022

When two become one

The integration of both lighting and HVAC control systems can show significant reduction of installation and commissioning costs.

Carlo Gavazzi’s Dupline® is a field and installation bus that uses a two-wire cabling solution, lending itself well to building automation applications such as lighting and HVAC.


Using a field bus system provides a simple solution for integrating both lighting and HVAC control systems together.

The sharing of hardware reduces installation costs, offers free topology and provides a high degree of flexibility for last-minute changes or for future expansion.  No special cable required, which means cable costs are minimised for new applications, and existing cable can be utilised for refurbishment applications.


Fast commissioning process on all Dupline® devices.

Devices are discoverable over the Dupline® network, no manual assigning of individual IDs. In the same way the entire Dupline® network is discoverable via BACnet over IP by the BMS controller or supervisor.


What’s at the heart of the system?

The UWP controller provides a gateway function between Dupline® and the building automation network.  The UWP is Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure Certified for IoT providing a secure platform for exchanging of data with other systems via MQTT, https and sftp, ensuring your system is cyber secure!


Including Carlo Gavazzi's energy meters into the system provides energy usage data to be included alongside the HVAC and Lighting control systems for a complete building automation solution.

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